Covid Plan

We are classed as an essential service and will be open during this lockdown period - although please be aware we may open a little later than usual tomorrow (Thursday 19th) as I ensure some new signage is up.
We will be operating as a 'drive through' service (retail section of the store will NOT be open) for fodder/pet purchases.
If you are able to, please consider placing your order via our website or over the phone so that you can just pick up/be loaded on arrival, keeping interactions to a minimum.
Please ensure you maintain social distancing, follow sign directions and take advantage of our hand sanisiter station 🙂
Can I just say that after seeing the chaos on the news tonight, that I am so grateful to our wonderful animal community - we were very busy today and EVERY SINGLE customer was so very patient and polite! Thank you all, Ranges Country is wishing you all the best lockdown possible!